Can You Grow Microgreens Without Soil?

Microgreens are easy to grow indoors, and you don’t even need soil or even fertilizers to get started. They’re perfect if you don’t have room for bags of potting mix or just don’t want to deal with the cleanup. Different types of growing media work better for different microgreens — but no worries, I’ll break that down for you. 🌱

can you grow microgreens without soil, pea shoots
Pea Shoots Microgreens

In my last post about growing microgreens indoors, I walked through the steps using potting soil. What I didn’t share was the mess I made in my kitchen: I accidentally bumped my container, sending soil flying across the table. (And as a heads-up, a sponge only makes it worse. Ugh!)

So now you’re probably wondering: can you grow microgreens without soil? And if you can, what’s the best medium to use? If you’re a bit accident-prone like me — or just want a cleaner setup — there are definitely options!

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Microgreens Growing Kit

If you’re just looking to give it a try, a microgreens growing kit is ideal for beginners. These ready-made kits include let you grow microgreens without soil and instead use soilless mediums like coco coir. It has everything you need to grow microgreens on a small scale. For best results, pair it with a grow light, but a sunny windowsill or good overhead light works too.


Harvesting broccoli microgreens! 🥦 Have you grown them? They are quick to mature and delicious in salads, tacos, soups, and more. 😋 #broccolimicrogreens #microgreens #indoorgrow #indoorgardening #superfood

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Hydroponic Microgreens

In a simple setup, you can grow hydroponic microgreens using a grow pad or growing mat. These types of media are made of soilless materials, such as jute or wood fibers, and they’re designed to hold moisture as the microgreens grow on them.

hydroponic microgreens grow pad
Hydroponic Grow Pad Made of Wood Fibers

Which Microgreens Grow Best Hydroponically?

Many microgreen varieties work well in a hydroponic growing environment. Here are some examples:

  • Amaranth
  • Basil
  • Broccoli
  • Chia
  • Curly Cress
  • Kale
  • Mustard
  • Radish
  • Salad Mix
  • Turnip

Growing Microgreens Without Soil Step By Step

Here’s an example of how you can grow microgreens without soil using hydroponic grow pads. 

Growing Supplies:

Growing Steps: 

Pour water into your plant tray (the solid one). As a reference, I poured 1 cup of water in this 10×20 tray.

pouring water in plant tray
Pouring Water In Plant Tray

Put your grow tray (the one with the holes in the bottom) inside the solid tray. 

putting grow tray in plant tray
Adding Grow Trays

Add a grow pad to your tray. Wait a few minutes as the water starts wicking up from the bottom and dampening the pad. The whole surface area of the pad will be wet when it’s ready.

hydroponic grow pad in grow tray
Adding Hydroponic Grow Pads

Densely plant your seeds so that they cover the surface area of the pad, but don’t overlap each other. Use a spray bottle to spray your seeds with water and help them settle in.

growing microgreens without soil step by step
Broccoli Seeds

Add your remaining tray to the top so that it covers the seeds. This extra tray helps keep the humidity in and creates a blackout environment that seeds need to germinate.

microgreen tray with blackout cover
Stacking Plant Trays

Going forward, mist the tops of your seeds every 12 hours. In general, microgreen seeds germinate in about 3 to 5 days.

After Seeds Sprout:

Give your microgreens at least 8 hours of light each day. This light can be from a sunny windowsill (if you have one) or use a plant grow light.

Continue to water your plants only if the pads are no longer damp. To do this, pour water in the bottom tray and then swirl it around so the moisture distributes evenly. Be sure to pour out any leftover water after the pads are wet.

Microgreens are typically ready to harvest around 10 days. Use clean scissors to cut them off the grow mat. You can compost the used mat.

harvesting microgreens on hydroponic grow pad
Cutting Microgreens Off The Grow Pad


This sectional hydroponics kit (used in the demo) is ideal for growing different microgreen varieties in a single 10×20 tray.

Sectional Microgreens Starter Kit on True Leaf Market
Sectional Hydroponics Kit on True Leaf Market

Growing Microgreens On Paper Towels

In the event that you don’t have grow pads, you can use paper towels instead. Using towels is effective if you’re growing in small containers and plan to grow microgreen varieties with shallow roots like lettuce and arugula microgreens.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • It’s best to use paper towels without chemicals like dyes and fragrances.
  • Don’t let your towels get sopping wet because too much water encourages mold. You can dunk the paper towels in a bowl of water, then squeeze them so that they are damp and not dripping wet.
  • Use a few layers of paper towel to line the bottom of the growing container.
growing microgreens on paper towels
Basil Microgreen Seeds On Paper Towels

The growing process is the same as when using grow pads. Again, be sure to check daily that your towel doesn’t dry out. 

Around the 3rd day, you should see germination. Somewhere around the 5th day is when you can remove the cover and start giving your microgreens light.

If your growing container doesn’t have holes so that you can water from the bottom, use a watering can to pour water into the tray. Alternatively, you can gently mist the towel with a spray bottle.

Generally, you can harvest your microgreens around day 10. Gently pull them off the paper towel or cut them off with scissors.

Can You Grow Sunflower Microgreens Without Soil?

You sure can. In my experience, sunflower microgreens grow really well in coconut fiber (coco coir) because it gives the roots plenty of room to grow. 

can you grow sunflower microgreens without soil
Sunflower Microgreens Growing In Coco Coir

Coconut coir is a natural, organic fiber that comes from coconut shells. I really like using it for microgreens because coir has good water retention and airflow and it works just like soil. You can get coconut coir in solid puck form and then soak the disc in water to expand it.

coconut coir puck
Coconut Coir Puck

Before planting, you’ll want to soak your sunflower seeds anywhere from 8 to 24 hours. This helps soften the seed shells so that germination is easier.

When growing sunflower microgreens without soil, it helps to put a weight on top of the blackout cover (the container that goes on top to block out light). This helps knock off sunflower shells as they grow, and makes it so the roots anchor into the coir better.

growing sunflower microgreens
Using Avocados As Weights On Blackout Cover

In general, sunflower microgreens germinate in about 2 to 3 days. You can expect to harvest them between 12 to 14 days.

Growing Microgreens Without Media

So what if you don’t have hydroponic grow pads, paper towels or coco coir? As we saw in 2020, many of these items became a precious resource.

Turns out you can grow micro greens without any media. I came across this Reddit thread where the poster uses an inner mesh tray for larger seed microgreens like pea shoots, wheatgrass and mung beans.

The idea is to use seeds that are bigger than the mesh holes so they don’t fall through to the bottom tray.

I haven’t tried this method yet, but I plan to. It’s good to have a variety of growing methods on hand if supplies run out!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can grow microgreens without soil. You just need to pick a growing medium that can support the varieties you want. 

Some may question whether it’s better to grow microgreens in soil or water, but I say do what works best for you. I’ve grown microgreens in soil, using hydroponic grow media and in growing kits. Soil typically produces a better harvest, but I still get plenty of microgreen herbs, vegetables and even edible flowers by growing them hydroponically.

If you ever decide you want to try soil, here’s a step-by-step tutorial on growing microgreens indoors. You’ll have a very nutritionally-dense vegetable and herb harvest no matter the method you choose. Happy growing! 🙂 

can you grow microgreens without soil, pea shoots

How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 14 days
Total Time: 14 days 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

No space for bags of potting mix or you just don't want the mess? Here's how to grow microgreens without soil using hydroponic grow pads.


  1. Pour water into your plant tray (the solid one). As a reference, start with 1 cup of water in a 10x20 tray.
  2. Put your grow trays (the one with holes in the bottom) inside the solid tray.
  3. Add grow pads to your trays. Wait a few minutes as the water starts wicking up from the bottom and dampening the pads. (The whole surface area of the pad will be wet when ready.)
  4. Plant your seeds -- densely --so that they cover the surface area of the pad, but don't overlap each other. Use a spray bottle to spray your seeds and help them settle in.
  5. Add the remaining tray to the top so it covers the seeds. This top tray acts as a blackout cover and helps keep the humidity in.
  6. Mist the tops of your seeds every 12 hours. Germination usually occurs in 3 to 5 days.
  7. Continue to water your plants (after germination) only when the pads are no longer damp. Further, give them light (either from a sunny windowsill or a plant light) after they sprout.
  8. Harvest your microgreens between days 10 to 14. Use clean scissors to cut them off of the grow mat. (You can compost the used mat.)


  • Some microgreens with hard shells, such as sunflower seeds, need to be presoaked before planting. You can find this information on the seed packet, or download these cheatsheets for more help.
  • Never let the hydroponic grow pads get dry. Before germination, mist about every 12 hours. After the seeds sprout, continue to mist whenever necessary.
  • Microgreens need at least 8 hours of light a day after they germinate. If you have a plant light, you can increase this time, such as 12 hours, for even better growth.
  • If using a plant light, be sure to check the manufacturer's recommendation for height. A T5 fluorescent can usually sit a few inches above the tops of your microgreens, while an LED may need to be higher.

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Jenny is the creator of Grow Hot Peppers. She is a self-taught gardener and has been growing peppers and a plethora of veggies for over 10 years. When she’s not writing or gardening, she loves eating spicy foods, hiking, and going to the ocean.
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