Welcome to our guides on growing peppers in containers! 🌶 Find everything you need to start seeds indoors, grow pepper plants, and harvest chillies. Discover the best soil, fertilizer, and growing conditions for max fruit production. And don’t forget companion plants that help peppers thrive!
Explore Growing Peppers
Garden Resources
Want complete guides on growing & caring for pepper plants?

These step-by-step illustrated ebooks walk you through all the steps of growing peppers and keeping plants healthy. Skip the beginner mistakes and enjoy harvesting your homegrown chillies!
LEARN MOREGuides By Growing Stage
Learn how to start pepper seeds indoors and care for your chili pepper plants so you get lots peppers during the growing season!
Jump To: Recommended Growing Supplies
Discover how to start germinating pepper seeds indoors, use grow lights, and care for your new pepper seedlings!
Jump To: Recommended Growing Supplies
Journey through all the steps of planting peppers, from soil, watering, fertilizing, and more!
Jump To: Recommended Growing Supplies
Here’s when to pick peppers and harvest some of your favorite varieties including Bell peppers, Cayennes, and Jalapenos!
Jump To: Recommended Growing Supplies
Growing Supplies
Here are some of our top recommendations for pepper growing supplies.
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