Chocolate Habanero: About This Awesome Pepper (+ Growing Tips)

The chocolate habanero is one of my absolute favorite peppers. If you love hot and tasty chillies, this is definitely one you should try.

There are many varieties of chocolate habaneros. For example:

  • Black Congo
  • Senegal Hot Chocolate
  • Dark Habanero
  • Cuban Habanero
  • Black Habanero

The chocolate habanero originates in the Caribbean. It has various features that differentiate it from the typical orange variety.

Capsaicin and Scoville Scale 101

Here’s a brief intro just in case you’re not familiar with these terms.

The “capsaicin” is the source of heat in any type of pepper. Likewise, the “Scoville Scale” measures the pungency of the chile variety.

As a result, the amount of capsaicin in the pepper is related to its Scoville heat unit (SHU) rating.

Chocolate Habanero Scoville

The chocolate habanero can have a scoville rating of 425,000 SHU to 577,000 SHU.

chocolate habanero bowl
Bowl of Chocolate Habaneros

Differences In Heat from Regular Habanero

It can be hard to grasp the heat based on a number. For comparison, the orange habanero rates between 150,000 SHU to 325,000 SHU.

That is to say that Chocolate Habaneros can be double the heat of the standard Habanero pepper and its close relative, the Scotch Bonnet pepper.

» Read More – Scotch Bonnet vs Habanero: Revealing 3 Key Differences in This Spicy Family

For another comparison, the Jalapeno is around 2,500 SHU to 5,000 SHU. That’s a lot more than double the heat!

» Related: Top 10 Hottest Peppers Ranked By Scoville

Chocolate Habanero Taste

I grow these peppers quite often. One of the reasons I love them so much is flavor. They have a distinct earthy and somewhat smoky taste.

Similarly, they also have that slight fruity flavor you may recognize from orange habaneros. The difference, to me, is that the fruitiness comes after a bit of chewing.

These peppers are intense are far as heat goes. If you’re not used to spicy, I recommend tasting a small portion of the pepper at first (make sure there’s no veins or seeds).

Chocolate habaneros on table
Chocolate Habaneros

Traditional Uses

Chocolate habaneros are typically used to make Jamaican jerk sauce.

They are also a delicious addition to mole, stew, salsa and other dishes were you want that smoky, earthy taste. Personally, I love topping my pizza with them.

How To Cut Habanero Peppers

Here’s a common way to cut your habaneros into bite-size pieces. However, when you’re working with this level of heat, you’ll want to take certain precautions first.

Precautionary Measures

When preparing hot chillies, be sure to wear vinyl or latex gloves and even eyewear.

To clarify, the chile has capsaicin oils that will burn your hands. Even worse, you may rub your eye before you remember to neutralize the burn. Ouch!

Likewise, these chillies can actually squirt capsaicin when you cut into them. I cut into a chocolate habanero one day and got hit directly in the eye.

safety glasses
Wear Eye Protection When Preparing Chocolate Habaneros

Additionally, be aware that the capsaicin oils will leach into your cutting board. You can try neutralizing the heat with soap and hot water, but sometimes it’s easier to have a board specifically for hot peppers.

Cutting Steps

  1. Put your gloves and eyewear on.
  2. Pull the pepper stem off.
  3. Cut the chocolate habanero down the middle lengthwise.
  4. Remove the seeds with a knife.
  5. Cut the pepper into long, thin strips.
  6. Cut those strips into smaller pieces.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you make a purchase using my link. This is at no additional cost to you. I personally use these resources and I’m recommending them to make this guide more helpful to you.

Chocolate Habanero Growing Tips

Chocolate habaneros aren’t likely to be found in stores so purchasing seeds, peppers or plants is your best bet. You can also check this vendor list if you’d like more options.

First time growing peppers from seed?

Learn to grow peppers with my step-by-step, illustrated ebook. It’ll help you skip a lot of beginner mistakes so that you’re more likely to be harvesting chilies during your first season!

When you have seeds or plants, you can grow them in containers. I grew all of my chocolate habaneros in 5-gallon buckets that I got from the hardware store.

Likewise, you can also use grow bags. I like at least a 7-gallon size because it gives your chocolate habaneros much more room to grow.

chocolate habanero pepper ripening on the vine
Chocolate Habanero Peppers Are Green Before They Ripen

Pepper plants need at least 8 hours of direct sun and regular fertilization to keep them going through the season.

Deciding when to pick Habaneros is a matter plant age and pod color. Chocolate Habaneros and ready for harvest about 110+ days after transplant and a rich brown.

This growing habaneros in containers guide has all of the steps for growing these chillies.

The chocolate habanero plant is a prolific producer. I always seem to get a lot more of a harvest from this variety.

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Jenny is the creator of Grow Hot Peppers. She is a self-taught gardener and has been growing peppers and a plethora of veggies for over 10 years. When she’s not writing or gardening, she loves eating spicy foods, hiking, and going to the ocean.

3 thoughts on “Chocolate Habanero: About This Awesome Pepper (+ Growing Tips)”

  1. Hi ,
    Do you know somebody that can help me to find a market for habbanero pepper for other purposes (industrial or somthing like that ) but no for food sevice ??

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